Penderaan terhadap tikus.


Phew penat betul sapu sawang sana-sini.

eh, Hello, lama tak jumpa.

Dah lebih dua minggu tak update blog, almost dua minggu takde life, keluar pagi balik petang, sampai rumah makan lepas tu tidoq. Memang efficient untuk menternak lemak.

Setiap hari bangun pagi azam baru harini nak diet, nak excercise, taknak makan makanan berlemak, but i think you guys already know how the story ends, right? lol

Anyhooo, I'm loving my practical place, despite few minor issues here and there, I think i kinda like it there, no parking issues, no crazy guards, crazy cool stuff and the labs are fabulousssss.

The other day, I went to a monoclonal lab pastu dalam hati merungut apahal lab ni gelap takde lampu mula nak menyumpah dalam hati, bila masuk tiba-tiba lampu terbukak. Otometik braderr, kagum. *Jakun*

Now, let's see how we torture rats. Yeah, that is what we do. LOL

Taking blood samples

See the lab rat screaming for help. kesian :(

Learning few injection skills

Awwwh, you poor little rat. I'm sorry :(

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